Thursday, July 06, 2006


….the story of inspiration….

As of today, 2 accomplishments:

Numero Uno:

After months of procrastinating, I’ve gathered my courage and signed up for a gym membership. Why is it such a feat? Obviously, shadows of doubt on whether I would persevere and stick to a healthy (Read: Strict, Disciplined) workout programme looms. Secondly, the fitness centre I’m talking about is just a miserable 16 floors down, located in the same building I’m currently working in so why I couldn’t do it ages before I don’t know….hell, it just suddenly hit me when I finally accepted that I couldn’t walk up a flight of stairs without panting (and complaining of course) that one afternoon after an arduous walk back from lunch (food, glorious food), that I decided to drop by. One swipe of the plastic later, I’m the latest addition to the invitingly conspicuous sweat-it-out ensemble of all body shapes and sizes, some begging to be ogled at, but as it turned out, admiration turned into motivation. Okay, I don’t have that much fat on me, but keeping fit is more of my concern. Let’s see how it goes, at least for the next 3 months….if I’m still having my backaches by then, I’m to offer a transfer of my membership to a more deserving soul, and that’ll leave me back to where I started: staring at the swimming pool at home, contemplating on whether I should, or should not dive into the heavily chlorine laden waters and complete a couple of laps for some stamina, the very least. But then again, everybody seems to be enjoying the fitness classes….and FUN is my middle name. Bah….what is a 3-times-a-week session compared to a grueling 3-non-stop-weeks-morning-to-late-night dance training camp. I can do this….


Finally able to move on….slowly….as the World Cup Finals closes in this weekend. Okay, I am not a crazy devout fan that I have to draw up a master plan to skip work (that’s how the myth goes)….I think it’s just the uncertainty of not having any more thrills (and drama) to look forward to of unprecedented late goals, tears and pure camaraderie. My all-time favourite team may have lost the chance to advance to the finals (in the penalty shoot-out, what some pundits like to compare to Russian roulette, or not). Then again, instead of just depending on Lady Luck, it also boils down to the strategy and tactics. Oh well, another 4 years, there’s plenty of room for drama in my own so-called life, I will still support the same team, even if we lose (again), because for all intents and purposes, it will still be the best time to experience a stupid game of ball where everyone is united.


cyique said...

Ya Allah!!! Adoi!!! U still remember masa training PSP dulu... Actualy i kinda miss those time la..

macK said...
