Thursday, February 28, 2008


I've been told that it's time for me to start dating again.

I mean, who can actually handle the ever enchanting moi? ;)

....Eff it, I'm actually scared shitless.

I've had enough of ending up in second place.



sunshine said...

yeah, maybe u should start dating again...u'll never know until u try it...


macK said...

thanks dear, but i'm just not sure about it.

how do i start all over again?



sunshine said...

start with :--> give a chance to people who trying to approach u laa...

macK said...

still waiting....


cyique said...

maybe ada yg satu kepala ngan u kat tempat keje ke..or yg share the same hobby/pastime ke?....

ada la tu, yang..kena buka mata

macK said...

i've been pondering on how i should react to that....

what i can think of

"easier said than done"

but thanks dear. i know what you mean.

cyique said...

yang, sori kalau i cakap lepas/being vulgar..but u know me rite,just want the best for u..

macK said...

i know that cyique. you know that i know it too :)

that's why i miss you loads.