Thursday, December 11, 2008

- The Buggles -

So here we are worrying about money and telling ourselves that we need to be more thrifty. And guess what else we need to deal with?

Lately, there'll always be a group of people waiting outside the bank ATMs, very ready to pounce on you while you'e walking back to your car. And since yesterday, I think it's becoming a bit too much.

Guy: Ma'am, do you have any credit cards? (Strange question to start with)

Me (still trying to make a dash to the car): Yes. I don't want any from you.

Guy: We have a good offer for you. Free for life.

Me: Ooo, awesome! So you'll be paying for all my bills? (grins)


There you go.

Observation: -

1. They never approach BEFORE you enter the bank
2. There's no courtesy greeting. They don't tell you what bank / institution they represent until later.
3. This particular guy almost stuck his head through my door trying to get me to sign-up. He's lucky enough not to get it from me and my baseball bat. Or get pinned. (I admit, I was tempted)
4. It was still early in the evening and there was still a crowd, if it was later, I would've felt unsafe.

This is bordering harassment.



Nilesh Timbadia said...

Wah, so bad one ah. It's harrasment.

Shafiq Fhadly said...

owh..i got nice experience. laswiken went to survey bought some groceries. then a girl approached me:

"abg gne kad kredit ape? maybank je ke?"

erk...suddenly terkejut "eh...u tgk my wallet masa i bayar td ek. gle ape u nih?"

kurang asam btol org cenggitu. skrg diorg dh makin advance.