Sunday, November 06, 2005


....numbers to remember....29, 2 & 47

Fasting month has ended. Deepavali and Raya just passed....well, Raya is still on as far as I'm informed. It's supposed to be a month to cherish the good, but as it is every year, we are still witness to the possible ugliness of us mere mortals. I actually hate attending those hotel buka puasa buffets, to be frank. For one, they're not actually cheap to say the least (ok, for me they are usually paid for), secondly, I don't eat much, so I don't see why I need to battle the droves of people to get to the rarely available 'authentic' dishes (where I can just live by picking up something similar at the Ramadhan Bazaar for less the hassle and far less the price)...and of course the worse: seeing how people can turn into a gluttonous bunch....and at the end, the food goes wasted. Yeah, I know, this behaviour has been echoed over and over again every year....yet, it's just such a common sight. I'm saving myself from guessing what goes on the minds of those people. (Yesterday evening, there was a documentary on the poorest of the poor in Euthopia. Heartbreaking....I refuse to elaborate further.) However, it does not (I must say) reflect the rest who observe the fasting month with sincere hearts.

The Fugees are making a comeback!!!!!

Sam, sorry for not having the opportunity to break fast with you guys....Cyique, thanks for the contributions. I don't like reading my own entries that much.

Adopted a new kitten today, christened 'Pablo'. No more long lonely days at home for Aimar.

1 comment:

livia said...

Selamat hari raya and deepavali...
will comment more...livi