Making pancakes on a Saturday morning.
Breakfast complete with toast, eggs sunny side up or scrambled, baked beans and chicken ham on a Sunday.
Spagetti bolognaise or roasted chicken Thursday night.
Vermicelli a.k.a. bihun and chicken soup on a Monday.
Lamb stew (happy to say that it's my own try and tested and a hit among friends :D)
All self-prepared and cooked in my humble little kitchen.
Trifles and puddings!!! *sigh*
Fast forward a few years later.....
Last Sunday night I had French toast for dinner.
Last night I ate a big bowl of Koko Krunch (with whatever was left in my milk carton, fast approaching it's expiry date anyway) and half-boiled eggs.
I barely have anything in the cabinet except for dried rosemary, oregano, cloves, cinnamon, peanuts, black and white pepper, sesame seed, thyme, dried mushrooms (need to dispose those) and five spice. A few boxes of cereal, crackers, instant noodles and an old can of Campbell's (may need to throw that away too).
There's ice-cream in the fridge that I haven't touched and a bottle of rootbeer looking all alone.
Talk about a healthy diet. I would be listening to my mom's long lecture if she knew.
Appetite is slowly coming back. A good sign.
Cooking is a very good form of therapy. Especially when you have everything within reach. Even better if you have a kitchen like Jamie's or Nigella's....*double sigh*. I'd probably sleep in the kitchen if I did.
I better stock up this weekend.
2 weeks ago
oooo yes..dapur diorang HEAVEN...and i still miss ur u remember the last time u made it?
quite some time ago. no point making it at home when there's nobody to help me lick the bowl clean ;D maybe i should do like nigella and save it for midnight snacking?
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