....Happy Easter people....
....currently reading Lynne Truss' 'Talk To The Hand'
Can't believe I actually went swimming today! I haven't so much as dip my toes in the pool for at least 2 years! It was bloody hot at home, but I didn't think that my sister would say yes without blinking (normally I get a frown and a long pause, a NO comes after counting to 10)
At the pool I had to avoid crashing into the Nemos, the Penguins, the Daddy Walruses, the Dugongs; I'm trying to think of a blind fish here but I suspect the chlorine and the unidentified floating objects got to my brain. Yes, there are those who actually can't see traffic in the clear water, even with expensive goggles. I lose track of how many laps I did.
But it was still an achievement.
2 weeks ago
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