I've been down with fever these past few days. It just had to happen.
It's my own fault that I got caught in the rain more than once. Then again, the weather is very unforgiving nowadays.
Maybe it's good to just laze around at home, recuperate. Watch reruns after reruns, get the chance to read my subscribed magazines I've long neglected, no work-related e-mails for a few days. Even my cats are not used to having too much of me at home.
At times like these, I'm also grateful I have concerned friends to take the blues away when it gets a bit boring.
Hopefully I'll be up on my own two feet again soon.
2 weeks ago
how many cats u have at home now? Maybe dah masanyer u rehat sebentar sebelum memulakan bab keje/hidup baru..
3!!!!! mmg elok gak some time off before the new job. that day i planned to anyways. so kebetulan
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