Thursday, August 21, 2008


....salty French fries, pearly tea, one good talk....

Putting things into perspective.



Nilesh Timbadia said...

Putting things in perspective, I like that.

Time for me to do that too ... stop, breathe, get well, put things in perspective ... live.

Someone said I was becoming a grumpy old man ... sheesh.

macK said...

weekend is here! whoohoo!

since we're going to the island again, wonder how kc's doing offshore....

Nilesh Timbadia said...

KC is not a happy camper ... chatted with him a while on Fri at 4pm - he really wanted to be back but there seems like there are some screw ups and next week he is travelling again. I think KC needs some TLC from the "Indian" gang when he is back :-)