Saturday, November 20, 2010


- Natasha Bedingfield -

....step forward....

3 months since our last breakfast, finally we met up again.

And I received the most wonderful news :) I am elated.

Back at the gym I bravely piled on 10 kilos today for my squats in Pump, I felt like a champion considering a proper session happened eons ago (mind you those days I was at the gym by 6.50 a.m., I reiterate A.M.)! But the Warrior Poses in Dynamic Flow killed me. That's when I realized I really have to get back to my Balance classes. I've lost so much strength in my legs I wobbled down the stairs after the sessions.

We had risotto for dinner, courtesy of Ki Chul. This is what I love about having random strangers in the house - make-up artists magically transforming into exceptional cooks.

Right now I am packing for my 2-week trip to Bandung. I'm too used to packing a small backpack only a few hours before I fly. This time I included my trainers, my gym clothes, jeans, books, crap that I don't normally bother bringing. But the place is proper so I might as well make the most out of it. It's gym every day *crosses fingers*.


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