Friday, April 21, 2006


....the funny things in life....

I was listening to one of the more popular local English radio stations this morning. There was a couple of deejays hosting the usual morning/rush hour shows, this chap and I'm-On-Air-I-Have-To-Control-Myself lady. Naturally, they have the regular on-air games, one particular one was 'Don't Say The Word'. Now, the objective of the game is to get the other person on the other line to say a word given to you by the deejays without you telling him/her what it is.

So this one caller, Jane (not her real name) was given the word 'SCREWDRIVER'. The other caller, Joe (not his real name either) was supposed to guess. Time given: 15 seconds.

So Jane was telling Joe that it's something you would find in a toolbox, besides things like a hammer, spanner, etc.. Clever Joe straightaway guessed it: SCREWDRIVER. Yey! Champions.

All excited, the lady deejay started congratulating the wonder couple. And then asked Jane,

"So what is a spanner? Is it a screwdriver in Malay?"

My jaw dropped! I was flabbergasted! I didn't know whether I should laugh or cry! I could only point to the (innocent) stereo in my car, "A spanner is a spanner, you idiot!"

The guy deejay, quick to cover, started congratulating the callers and telling them what they each will receive for being so clever........right after, a song was played.


She should be in the running for Paris Hilton's Next Best Friend.

Spanner : Tool for gripping and turning the nut on a screw.

Or, you can use it to whack your stupid deejay on the head.

Ok, maybe just imagine it.

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