Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Has anybody ever seen that video where a poor animal was beaten up and skin removed, while still alive? All for its fur. Until today the image of the creature, eyes still blinking when its body is exposed and bloody all over without its skin, literally left hung to die still haunts me. I couldn't bear going through it, I choked. Those few seconds where I skipped most part had already made me speechless. How could anybody do something so cruel? I could guess that such act was done because money to put food on the table matters more than killing an animal mercilessly. I'm just not able to understand why its done that way. Is there a difference taking the skin without putting the animal in great torture than making sure that its not breathing first? Does the skin have to be 'fresh' and soaked with blood? Explain, please. So I can sleep more peacefully.

I've recently 'rediscovered' my long lost friends. People who matter to me the most at one time, until now. These are the people you would want to stick with you for as long as you live. They give you the support you need whenever you need it, and a foundation for you to discover who you are and what you can be.

On the other hand, come to think about it, how is it that a person could possibly generate so much negativity about them that you just need to stay away? When the real essence of who you really are is exposed, how could you be sure that its just an outer façade of character? Would you hang around, just to find out? I'm speaking through experience. At one point of your life, I'm sure you will meet somebody with such unbearable characters you just cannot stand. And sometimes they don't even realize it. Is it a lesson in tolerance? Maybe.

I realize that I'm without any specific topics today.

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