We just went through quite a hair-raising experience just now. It could just be nothing but it did manage to sent blood curdling in those few seconds.
I just came back from settling my parking fees and went straight to the office. As I sat down, it felt as though my vision started to sway side to side. I thought it could be that I was just back from the hot sun outside and my head was adjusting to my surrounding.
I asked anyway.
"Hey, you guys feel that?"
"Yeah! I thought it's just me!"
By then, being typical Malaysians, we started to come up with possible conjectures. Everybody was already on their feet, ready for an emergency evacuation (a bit over-reacting, just in case, nobody wants to end up in the evening news, just unidentified body parts among the rubbles). We ARE 16 storeys up.
The radio was switched on.
True enough, an earthquake measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale (unofficial) occured just south of Sumatera. Tremors were felt as far as Singapore and Malaysia.
A sigh of relief for now. Back to work.
3 days ago
We at the office felt it...but we thought it was normal cause we do felt it now and then but this time around it was stronger, even those who normally don't notice it felt it too...
oh wow that's scary. i din feel anything. maybe cause its too far here??
actually malaysians are only concern about these things lately. dulu we all lepak cause nothing ever happen here. but since lately we get a lot of "bencana" we are more alert.
i remember when klcc was newly opened (i was there like everyday) and the fire alarm went off. i looked around no one cares... as if they all bisu. i got so worried and asked the security guy if i shud run or something *LOL* he said it was only a drill ;)
according to the news, the effect was strong in johor (building evacuation, firemen on alert). i know, it's getting worse lately. the wrath of the earth nobody can stand on it's way.
tapi ada retakan yg besar tak? kat mana lagi kena? scary kan, bencana is every where lar
ada kemalangan jiwa tak? atau hanya gegaran sahaja? makin menakutkan la bencana yang melanda msia sekarang ni.dulu hanya kemarau or banjir jer
mak aih sekarang kena minta permisi dulu ek angie..betul la blog sekarang ni very security minded
right now everything seems to be ok qin, no serious injuries or deaths in our country. the same cannot be said for indonesia where there are several casualties and devastation. let's pray for their safety.
the chilling part is one day after that (yesterday) there was a plane crash, also in indonesia. the boeing 737 caught fire while landing. most of the passengers survived.
for updates on both tragedies, check yahoo! news
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