Friday, July 06, 2007


....still cool....20 years later....

Transformers. (You have GOT to read this link)

I really need to pick up my butt and go watch it. TOMORROW.

From what I gathered so far, THIS is the sleeper hit of the year. I mean it's everything expected from a Michael Bay movie, the fantabolous stunts, extravagant effects and repeated slow-mos but nobody talks about this movie the same way like they talk about Spiderman 3, or Pirates, or Fantastic Four (which, more often than not, starts off with the deep thinking face....silence....a little pout or smirk....followed by the long-awaited 'O...K.......lah'. That just says it all).

Everybody seems to agree that one time is not enough.

Worth my wait?

I'll find out tomorrow.

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