Sunday, September 02, 2007


Nobody deserves to be treated that way. Ever.

I was mad of what I saw this morning. A drama unfolding in front of everybody. They were talking. Suddenly, he slapped her in the face. All eyes on them now. And he stormed off after grabbing hold of the water bottle she was holding and harshly threw it to the floor. It stopped short of falling beneath the railing.

Displaying yourself doing such a shameless act is reason enough to drive me nuts but resorting to violence to prove a point is plain unforgivable.

There should never be an excuse to do so.

They disappeared amongst the crowd soon after.



Mall hopping.

I finally got to meet my dear Kak Azah today. We talked about the past, the weather, the present, our great trip next week, the seemingly bleak future, on trying out dresses at the Sunday bazaar, about making the best out of the time left and putting another foot one step forward :)

Talking about trips....

I'm just getting an overdose of love today, despite being drained of all the energy left in me :) I'll definitely need it in days to come.


Anonymous said...

Aiyoo.. wat happen wif tat guy suddenly slap her gf? If i were thr, i would kick him or punch him on d face.
How could he treat his gf like tat.

macK said...

i could have done it myself, had they not disappeared so fast

cyique said...

hmph! mempamerkan kekuatan terhadap kaum yg 'lemah'..

macK said...

men....ok, not all men.... :)