Sunday, October 21, 2007


....a little bit of soul therapy, and some....

Fine, there's no such thing as defined summer in Malaysia. Everyday is just sunny, or hot and humid (high in the list as the most common ice-breaking topic, "Can you believe how hot it is?") , and the occasional much welcomed soothing breeze. I don't know how real summer feels like, how it's supposed to look like.

But this is how I want it to be.

Everything just passes by slowly and not even a hint of worry on our faces. Even if tomorrow's Monday.

Following a short hiatus, I returned to familiar ground. My comfort zone that readily awaits me everytime I thought of making a U-turn after a long and weary journey. Once in while, the need arises for me to sink into the warmth of things that make me appreciate and realize that there's more out there for me to keep me smiling. And I'm grateful. Especially when a friend named bliss decides to abandon you for awhile.

My brother, the one I talk to only when we're in need of asking for favours (we both admitted to that), was thrilled to meet me again. Telling him how desperate this sister of his could be at this point of time sent him laughing to bits (I was just joking, of course....Seriously). And I got to know what's been happening in his life as well, bound for surprises, and more silly tales. We missed all the goofing around.

We parted ways again this morning.

In no time, that painful sense of longing for better things overcame me.

Then, a boy sat me down and said this, "If it's yours, it's yours. What is not, is not."

I didn't finish my sandwich that breakfast.

The rest of the day was about having long strolls (inside a new ridiculously huge shopping haven, if you have gazillions to spare that is), walking in the rain, Haagen Dazs and suitcases, coffee and chilling out with two very lovely people. My latest possession; more CDs and more books (materialistically, I'm very easy to please) .

This is how it should be. My summer.


I'm here now, ready to go to bed soon. Bebel on the player.

I won't deny that I'm still indecisive about a few areas in life. I don't see white, nor black, just plain grey. But it has been the day that I'm pulled back to solid ground, well, almost.

Deep down, I will still wish for life to be better.

I doubt that it's within my grasp right now, but I might prove myself wrong.


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