Sunday, October 28, 2007


I just watched as it inches its way.

It's a slow-paced weekend. Sometimes, it's good to lay back and see the world in full action, without playing too much part in it.

It's been almost six months since I came to Miri.

When you start to notice that more than once the same thing is said about you, coming from people who you don't really know, it's time for you to think that maybe they are right. And take a second to think about it; when you know that it is not who you really are, when you are certain that people who know you better would never agree with it.

At this point of time, I've decided I may not be staying longer than I originally should. Hearing what they say is one thing, but how it actually feels inside is something else. But that's how it is, people just judge you, they don't even have the guts to tell you in the face, and why is it so hard to ask?

"How's your day? Is everything alright?"

You should be offering your precious take on what you perceive of me TO ME. Don't be smug and tell the rest of the world what you think about me when you don't know shit. Since you don't ask, I'll just tell you this, I don't have to fake my smile for you.

Then again why bother. I know there's nothing much for me here anyway.

Another six months to go.

Each day a day goes by.

Time is a bitch.




cyique said...

slowly but surely ..tak lama lagi tu..sabar dear

macK said...

somebody asked me why i hate miri so much. for the record, i don't hate miri, it's a beautiful place and a wonderful playground for people who like to get their hands dirty once in a while, like myself.

i just don't feel truly belonged even after 6 months trying to make a connection. or my people skills simply suck big time :)

it's a calm, serene, charming little city with so much to offer.