Tuesday, March 18, 2008


....life is sometimes over-rated. Life should just be simple....

Over tofu and '3-veggie', I was asked a question.

About two hours later, after a nice warm shower, I still find myself thinking what the answer is.

How did I become what I am today? How am I different from the intimidating head-prefect persona I project in that old photo on the wall?

To be honest, I do feel very much the same girl in the photo.

Just that along the way, I learned a thing or two.

To grieve is OK. But when you stop crying, laugh more.

To be hurt is OK. But when you decide to stand up again, love more.

To have an unexpectedly undesirable change in your life is OK. But once you get over the resentment, embrace change.

To be lost is OK. But when a friend offers to walk alongside you, accept.

To hide from the world is OK. But when you come out, be brave and venture into the unknown.

To make bad choices is OK. But when the dust has settled, admit to yourself you did.

I can just go on and on.

So my dear friend, I do not have a definite answer for you. I'm just unable to point to one particular period that finally defines who I am now.

But one thing I know.

I am a better person.

And I'm sure that's what matters most.

p.s. There actually exist really cool head-prefects out there ;)


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