Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Conversation with myself while painting the feature wall in my future study room....

"Well, this wall ain't that big after all...."

2 hours later....
"Why am I not sweating?"

1 hour later....
"Damnit! What the heck is in this box???!!!!"

Another hour passed....
"Oh well, I guess I'll leave the other 2 shelves for another day."

Conversation with HanWei at the music store looking at guitars....

Me: Quick, play something!
HanWei: Cannot lah. Shy.
Me: Come on, I won't look.
HanWei: ........
Me: ........

Five minutes later....
HanWei: ........
Me: ........

Conversation with Uncle X up Bukit Tabur....

Uncle X: Just Do It!
Me with full dramatization in my head: We are, we are!

1 hour later on the rocky parts of Tabur....
Uncle X: Just Do It!
Inside my head: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after. Jack and Jill went up the hill....

Another hour passed.
Uncle X: Just....
Everybody: Look Ma, no hands!

In summary, I had a fun weekend. Friday was spent mostly at home. Saturday for shopping (2 malls, 9 hours! - really cool stuff we bought, mind you) and Sunday for hiking / climbing. We kept bumping into Uncle X on Tabur. A good thing since he's more familiar with the tracks. We wouldn't know that we actually reached the peak if he hadn't told us. Until KC shared the legend of the myterious uncle with flip-flops who frequents the place.

As far as I remember, he had Timberlands on. I think.

....with this view....

....what's a few cuts and bruises, and a bad tan (there goes my tube-top wearing days for a while)....oh well....


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