Saturday, April 12, 2008


It's 22:22 on a Saturday night.

It has been so hectic these past couple of weeks. I'm forcing myself to at least today have some time on my own, breathe a little. I'm so exhausted that I think my morale is affected. When morale is down, you feel more tired than you already are, and your body just begs for you to stop. At times while just sitting down, I feel a slight weightlessness in my legs. If only I can just take off.

Mom used to tell me that I drive myself too hard sometimes. I used to disagree with her and now that I think of it, maybe there's truth to it.

I don't want to turn into my Dad. Not a second to lose and he'll be at the door, ready to drive off somewhere to do whatever it is he feels he needs to.

I understand why Mom gets concerned.

I know I have gotten myself involved in too many things in too short a time. Don't get me wrong, they're all positive. Maybe I just need to remind myself once in a while that I'm physically 10 years older.

What I am more concerned of is the human interaction that is lacking lately. I have not had a proper conversation with those whom I care most.

I cannot express how sorry I am.



Anonymous said...

Time out Mack! Take it easy, the company will run nevertheless. Please always make time for crazy adventures :-)

Mulu next huh? Have fun! I'm so so jealous lah...

macK said...

I know. I'll remember that as always. Company will run. Can't wait for the Mulu trip! Whooppeeee!!!!

What the heck is LT Ubo by the way?

And I've just completed my pool sessions. Open water next month! :)

Anonymous said...

LT Ubo?

Takes some imagination....I guess it is related to my name lah.

Wah water, now you can request to dive near the platforms, I was there with Andrew, Lai and the Proton Wira owner...those big fishes...

macK said...

lacking imagination nowadays.

i can only imagine lai the fish :P