Friday, September 05, 2008


Here' the scene: Two senior Dutch chaps and an American lady (who happens to be my global manager) riding the train to Bangsar, it was raining.

Reaching the station, we disembarked one by one, me being the last in tow.

Just as I was about to step out....the door closed shut, I just missed being decapitated.

And the look of horror on my three bosses was just priceless.

Needless to say, they waited for me at the station while I boarded another train back.

They'll remember me for that for sure.

I also found out how pleasant my global manager is. A positive view on life and talking to her made me realize that it's okay not to have a clearly defined path in my career at this point in time, maybe never, but don't forget to appreciate what I gain along the way. She was once like me she said (well, maybe easy for her to say since she's already there right on top), but bottomline is, she knows what she sets as her number one priority.

And it's not work. I like that.


1 comment:

Nilesh Timbadia said...

Malaysian Public transportation 'nuff said. I have never until this day had a clear career path but over the years have had a ton of experience and a postive outlook and always hope and dream of the life I have wanted to live and life achievements rather that work achievements.