Wednesday, September 03, 2008


....muffled sounds, black lights....

7.48 p.m. and I'm back in KL. The last time was April. This is the longest I've been away. I barely realize the ticking clock nowadays.

I was caught by surprise on my ride to the hotel where I'm staying. By KL standards, the roads are deserted! Didn't take me long to reach my destination, what would normally give me enough time to read several full chapters AND maybe finish an episode of Heroes on my iPod. The fact that it's the fasting month again is also a factor.

Although KLCC is just a stone's throw away, it just seemed impossible to reach by a nice early evening stroll. Yeah, I guess I've become accustomed to the slow-paced Miri especially since I've not come back for this long. "Everything in Miri is just 15 minutes away," I tell my friends. But even 15 minutes is such a drag.

I gazed out the window on the airplane today, flying pass all that was so familiar.

I know this place, but I'm okay now with not visiting it too often.

I'm still missing it, miss my friends. But Miri has also a place in my heart now, also because of the people I've come to know.

And falling asleep at 9.00 p.m.

Change is inevitable. I can feel the winds coming my way.

Hang on, that's just the aircon. Need to adjust the temperature for tonight, otherwise I'll freeze to death.


1 comment:

Nilesh Timbadia said...

Oh well my dear friend, I feel the same way when I go to KL. I like somethings there and while I complain about Miri as a place, I really enjoy the friendships we have developed here and the activities we do here instead of being stuck in jams forever. And this is what I will miss dearly when I am away for 3-4 months. But you know what, I cherish what we have and I know it will still be here when I come back.