Saturday, November 22, 2008


- Phontaine -

....before there was Power Rangers....


There was Ultraman, Mask Rider and....Gaban!

Drive on a Saturday morning and turn on the radio. You'll get to listen to an array of songs from all over the world - what I call the International Mix. Today was extra special, what I did not expect was a very familiar theme song from so long ago, one of those Japanese superhero series I must watch coming back from school, that time I was fully aware how silly the series was, no less entertaining. As it is with any good superhero series, the hero never dies and the villain will find itself fighting in vain to detroy the world as the hero gets up with his dying breath and blasts the bad monster baddie to oblivion!

So here's to Gaban.


Well, ok, to make it more interesting and upbeat, maybe a more 'clever' version for the weekend. Get those mics out!




Nil said...

All those series seem silly but so very entertaining - with the tacky costunmes and villains or dinasours etc - good memories.

Archiereus said...

U know what.. for 1 year i had Gaban RingTONE :D hahahahahah!
gotta love it..

Anonymous said...

Ooo... Gaban!!!

Don't forget Baja Hitam (still never understood as to why the dude is named after fertilizer)


Archiereus said...

KC- actually its meant to be WAJA..
in Indonesia they call him Ksatria Waja Hitam.which made more sense..