Sunday, February 25, 2007


....beautiful day for a walk at the Sunday bazaar....

Today, I'm feeling an intense urgency to pick up where I left off in music. Going back for formal music classes has always been in my to do list for the past 10 years or so. Since I had to quit organ & piano classes a very, very, very long time ago, somehow it felt like a calling. A missing part of me that needs some rediscovering.

They say you're never too old.

I say pick up your butt and just go already!

Hmmmm....drums or guitars this time?


cyique said...

eh bukan u pandai main gitar ker?

macK said...

belajar sendiri tak puas. kadang-kadang rasa macam tak cukup. plus, feel like wanting to gain more on the skills through formal training.