5.50 p.m. - Getting my desk cleared. It's been such a mess the past week.
7.00 p.m. - Book browsing at Konikuniya KLCC. Purposely skipped gym today, breaking away from current routine for once. A walk may do me good during this time-off phase.
8.15 p.m. - Catching up on my reading at San Fran KLCC. Finally finished Lydia Teh's 'Honk! If You're Malaysian'. Personal favourites:
# 21. When The Lights Turn Red
# 28. Manglish Very Short One
# 31. Confessions Of A Blog Addict
# 43. World Cup Rules For Men
Chicken Casserole left me feeling cheesy. It's just too cheesy! Should have asked for a bigger cup of cappuccino.
10.10 p.m. - Wheezing through traffic, speeding on the highway. Just remembered that I ran out of cat food this morning and just bought a fresh pack this afternoon. I hoped they haven't starved to death.
10.45 p.m. - Blogging, web surfing / organizing folders and files. Got to have it done quick. TV's showing The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. Still wacky as ever.
Tomorrow a.m. - medical check-up.
2 weeks ago
gosh! hitchhikers guide to galaxy? really? that movie killed a few of my precious brain cells hehe
hehehe...tell me about it...
i masih tak berani dok kat cafe sorang2..walaupun ada buku utk dibaca..
how come cyique?
i konw this might sound silly but i feel like everybody would be looking at uncomfortable
people look t you because they think that there's something mysterious about you ;P cheh!
its gud when u have a positive self esteem..
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