Monday, March 19, 2007


Sal, Raz, Zar and I were down in Johor Baru over the weekend to attend Maya's wedding.

It was a long drive for Raz and I but we didn't mind. We spent the whole evening catching up with Sal, whom we haven't seen for years. Ultimately (and naturally) we ventured into the topic of love (or the lack of it) and marriages (since the three of us were all singletons; luckily we had each other so we didn't feel lost at the event). The irony of it all was that the headline of next day's paper was "Decline In Marriages", where only 23,880 marriages (among non-Muslims) were registered in 2006, half the number throughout the five preceding years from 2001 to 2005. As if somebody was eaves-dropping on our conversation. I guess I'm one contributing figure to the statistics ;P

....Maya at the night of the akad....

....the bride & groom....

....Maya & her sisters....

....Miss Sally & I....and the bunga telur....that's my mom's kebaya I'm wearing, is that considered a vintage?

.... Raz & Sally at the reception....

More pictures on my Multiply.

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