Sunday, April 22, 2007


....I want you to know, you make me happy....
....I want you to know, you make me sad....
- SonyEricsson ad

Can't believe that the sun is already setting on a Sunday.

It has been a total turnaround from the stay home weekend I had before. Actually, I was barely home!

Somebody just pointed out that my blog has been a depressing one lately, which also came to my realization yesterday. Time for change.

This week's roundup: -

1. First week of training completed.

It was exhausting, not to mention boring. I actually logged into my Messenger in between breaks! (I'm not kidding) I think I've also managed to gain a kilo from the hotel food they've been serving, all in one short week. And I have another week to go starting tomorrow! I'll have to burn more.

2. Fire alarm drama once again.

I was at Maxis Tower Thursday evening to go to the gym and was met with a peculiar sight. A big group of people was hanging around at the lobby, sitting on the floor and looking bored. Apparently the fire alarm went off and nobody was allowed to go up until the authorities finished investigating. So we were stranded for a while. After all the drama that was nothing, the class had to be cut to 45 minutes. What else to do after that than eat?

3. Have I mentioned that I've been stuffing myself the whole week?

Yup, Friday was another heavy dinner at The Curve with Klev and Teoh. Dinner with really soothing one-man-show music. Cool dude. It was nice indeed. Of course, as usual, there was the second round (was there a third?) of meals. We even proceeded to The Empress Cafe (yes, Dash and Raz, I remember the name this time ;P) JUST for sinful desserts. Lots of plain water with it too. I think we've gone overboard with the food; with too much sugar in our system, the evening ended with us planning to go clubbing the next evening. I wondered if I still remember how to ;) We started texting and calling everybody we knew who would be available. And that was already past midnight. Surprisingly these people were still awake to answer to our pleas!

4. Saturday Night Fever - temperature up the roof!!!!!!

Oh yeah, we had a blast alright, I'm sure the others would agree. Everybody get down if you feel me!

Of course what is clubbing without breaking a sweat? Sure, there are the strange incidents and weirdos that come with it, but hey, made it even worth it. Thanks also to Nat and Yas for the great time.

And here's my take on the current male poplulation (yes, I try to be analytical sometimes); a bit unrelated but somehow it came to my mind, of all places, in a 'happy' (;P) club: -

So, an article I read somewhere says that with the current population (correct me if I'm wrong, because I don't remember whether it refers to the world in general or just the nation); for every 4 women,

there is only 1 man.....

i.e. the current women to men ratio stands at 4:1.

Now, the way I look at it, from the 100% of existing men, about 34% are total jerks, psychos, rapists, criminals, chauvinists; men you rather not have any romantic business with, at least at their very worse. Another 32% are unfortunately already taken or unavailable i.e. have settled down comfortably; it saves you from a lot of headache and legal complications if you avoid being involved with; although it can't be denied, things do happen sometimes.

From the remaining 34%, 21% are shall I put it.....not interested; will they ever? Chances are there if you've been reading the gossip column. Possibility of good partner material is also there. Then again, I quote myself, things do happen, so we'll leave it that way.

Moving on, out of the last 13% single and availables, I'd say only 2% possess that compatibility factor I'm look for. Now, tell me, how on earth am I supposed to find that 2%? And not to forget the competition from the other female population?! For my lack of ability and patience to tolerate headaches, not to mention heartaches, and catfights, I'm staying away from the desperation and stick to being a solo fighter for a while longer.

But hey, things really DO happen. Don't they?

(Disclaimer: Shall not be responsible for any misinterpretation of figures and personal opinion. Don't give me migraines please, had enough)

5. Burn 'em

Sunday. A day at the gym, which I don't normally do by the way, but since it involves friends, I decided to go. Theme: Drunken Masters. True indeed, it was a good thing I showed up. Food came into the picture of course. We stayed at the same restaurant so long that the next table had a change of customers, twice; and we were still there! Pizzas, pasta, salad, drinks and a cappuccino at the end. One superhyper kid, a fish lady, 2 girls and a boy stuck in between, we just couldn't stop laughing.

Why has my blog been so depressing? Right now I don't know.


M@njAkid said...

superhyper? where got???

cyique said...

best nyer gi clubbing..kinda miss dancing..the only dancing i do now is barney dance

macK said...

m@anjakid, didn't say who did i? hehehe ;P if i'm not mistaken, must be one of people i hang out with....trying to remember who, hmmmmm....

cyique, would love to do the barney dance tapi tak pandai, so u lagi terer....

M@njAkid said...

barney dance? must show must show.. heheheh

*[n]atali[e]* said...

yea mack! it has to be the best partying out yea? omg, was so fun! we should do more of it sometime.... hugs!

haha, m@njakid memang smart laa.. ppl nv mention who also, but go admit urself already.... heee..

macK said...

yalar cyique.....must teach us, then we can do togeder2x :)

nat, had loads of fun. yup, wish we cud do it more often...but it depends on the bumble bees' schedule. always buzzing.....bzzzz...

m@njakid, after learning barney dance u lead in front ar? we all follow.

cyique said...

m@njakid, kalau nak menari macam barney kena ada perut macam barney dulu baru boleh..hehehehhh

macK said...

har har....funny u asked cyique....m@anjakid any comments on dat? remember....bali trip soon tau....nak washboard abs right?

cyique said...

wah, Angie, u guys r going to bali too? Mak aih , bestnyer...Bila?

macK said...

nolar....only the 2 boys. me? looking forward to phuket september :)