Sunday, August 26, 2007


....thanks Tracy for the CD....
....of Hob Nobs and Hershey's....

Here I am sitting in my nice cosy hotel room finally making it a point to write.

This space has been neglected again; so here are the reasons why I feel I have to write at this ungodly hour when I have an early morning tomorrow;

a. More than once, friends have pointed out how mysterious my entries have been lately, which I'm not about to deny. How it is hard to decipher what's behind every sentence. Every word. My explanation is simple. They're exactly how I feel, that're channelled down directly to my writings. Why I haven't been more clear cut about it, several reasons as well, number one being I'm still thinking about it myself. I may need time. I may need an answer at the end. But I know right now, it feels just about right. Allow me to take it in....while I still can.

If it hurts, if there's something I shouldn't be saying, I am sorry.

b. I've been occupied. Really occupied. Next thing I know, I miss doing this. Pouring out my thoughts. Pondering on how to make the best of what I'm doing. Of how every entry is a life chapter unfolding; hoping that every twist and turn are ultimately the pathway towards my own happiness.


On a much lighter note, weekend round up (very fast one, this one); the past week has been quite hectic, and so will another week be.

Friday and Saturday were spent mostly on a bus, making the trip to a giant dam and a port. Sunday was almost perfect, and a bit peculiar. A nice big breakfast in the morning and surprise, surprise....this lady actually signed up for a makeover earlier this month. And it was today that I endured sitting in the middle of a mall's concourse, being shifted around for my make-up and hair, and doing funny poses for the camera (I decided that I'm definitely NOT model material, since I was on the verge of laughing my heart out during every take; I guess I'm just not the person for this job. Hey, it's not as easy as you think).

At least now I can strike that out from my 'to-do-at-least-once-in-my-life' list, and get to survive to tell the tale, with proof! I don't think I'll do it again, unless THEY pay me instead.

Thereafter, a plane to catch, puffed up hair and all!

No Photoshop to help me there.

Talk about a supermodel wannabe for a day.

Can somebody help me take off this eye make-up coz I didn't bring my removal kit.

As much as I love my smokey eyes by the way.


cyique said...

don't wori blog u, so terpulang pada u nak tulis apa2 yang terlintas di minda u..asalkan tak menyentuh sensitiviti kerajaan sudah..

teruskan dearie..i loike ur blog

macK said...


thanks cyique.

i like my blog too....ekekkekkkek

cyique said...

eh, post la photo supermodel tu

macK said...

fine, i'll do that just because YOU asked for it :D