Monday, October 08, 2007


"So, where are we having lunch today?"

"I feel like having rice. Fried rice would be nice."

"So, where are we having fried rice?"

"But now I just remembered I had rice last night. Should we? It just felt that I haven't had rice for so long."

"Why not? Fried rice it is."


While having fried ice with fried egg, shared by two....

"Would you feel weird without eating rice for a few days?"

"Not really. Don't even remember I had some last night. I think we had noodles before that."

"No. We went to McDonald's. Noodles was the day before. Together with chakueh. Evening was dinner at the club."

"Really? Then what was before that? On Friday? Drinks at San Fran, right?"

"I guess. How about bak kut teh? When was that? Let's call your brother and ask him when we all went out for bak kut teh. I think after San Fran we didn't go out for dinner. Drove back and went to bed."


"Better blog. Then you'd not forget."

Or something like that.

....meaningless little conversations....


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