Saturday, October 06, 2007


….ode to Dad….happy birthday….
….enjoy your retirement!!!!….

Truth is, I didn’t get to spend that much time with the man. I still don’t.

A relentless workaholic, as far as I can remember.

Life it seems, has also gotten more complicated as I grew up.

But I do recall: -

1. Midnight snacks

Awaken in the middle of the night just to sit at the dinner table and enjoy the smell of melted butter on toast. I was no more than 12 years old and having no recollection of what Dad’s chat topic would have been with a very sleepy girl in her blue pajamas and her head on the table, I can only guess. World politics and global warming perhaps.

2. Full moon

Again, awaken from my slumber and ushered out the house. Dad would point to the sky and I’d be awestruck with the sight of the full moon slowly creeping out from the clouds. As if somebody turned on a soft giant lightbulb to illuminate the whole neighbourhood. An odd bunch of crickets and toads sang a capella for our background music.

3. The birthday gift

Mom spoiled the surprise part. I got the hint days before. But looking back I know it must have cost him a big chunk of what he was earning as an ordinary government servant back then. My keyboard was so technically inferior compared to what friends had (state of the art electronic organs) but to me it was the best birthday present I could ever wish for.

All in the past now.

Sometimes I do miss the simple times.

“So what will you talk about if one day he wakes you up for toast again?”

That I miss the simple times.

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