Wednesday, October 03, 2007


White cranes.

The immediate flashback I have while logging in.

I feel that....well, I KNOW that I have so much to tell about the past couple of weeks. It has been so crazy at work. Lame, sure. Yup, you and I both then. With that, I also realize that there are things left neglected, this little space of mine, for instance. Friends, especially one person that I shouldn't, my books, life, in general. I was taken aback earlier today when I was told that what if one day we find ourselves not having anything to talk at all, that awkward silence. Something must be done. Action has to be taken, and fast.

On the other hand, I thought to myself, being so far from the things I've been accustomed to, how amazing it is that I didn't even feel the time.

Actually, there's a reason for that. For now. Sigh....Oh well....

So, it's the fasting month. In fact there's about another ten days or so to go before Hari Raya Aidilfitri is celebrated. As for me, lately I feel that I have developed the inability to walk without dragging my poor giant ass on the floor. I'm getting a bit fat, you see. I don't care if you're going to tell me on how ridiculous I sound and what nonsense I'm making but seriously, it's just bad. A big gooey slush in immediate need of TLC.

But it's worth mentioning that hiking was the activity of the week nevertheless. A Sunday afternoon, two guys, a girl and the hills. Two hours of happily dirtying the (new) shoes (served their purpose, thank you very much) and sweat.

Not forgetting, the skirt's out of the closet (at last!) Yes sirree, the pink Phuket skirt was worn for the first time - get this, TO WORK. To those who haven't noticed by now, I don't (never) wear skirts or dresses to work prior to that one fateful day, even if you catch me buying one after another. That's just me trying to fool myself into thinking that one day I will wear them, which never happened. I'm just a pants person until I finally gathered enough courage to possibly embarass myself.

Then again, it wasn't that bad after all. Except for the times I had to be a bit conscious, constantly reminding myself that doing unfeminine squats or any other form of reckless act is a definite no-no or risk the lifetime red face.

Gosh, I miss KL so much.

Alright, I'm all over the place. I should get myself used to all this once again.

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