Friday, November 16, 2007


....I wish to the universe….



Curtains will be drawn soon. Another year’s creeping in. It’s everywhere, how it is deliberately made obvious that it’s coming. Christmas deco are already out, and people start asking what your plans / resolutions are for the New Year.

Like a broken record I keep telling people this; I’m not the type of person who creates a special list of things that need to be achieved for the next year, but rather reflect on the year’s events, triumphs, misses, joy, heartbreaks and heartaches, and learn from them. Tell me I’m a girl with not much of a vision for all I care but I don’t want to be too bound by my own expectations.

I’ve reached a conclusion that 2007 has been a year of letting go.

Of almost everything that I hold dear, everyone that I love(d). Right from the start, right up till now.

So many goodbyes and it’s been painful. I’m forced to part with yet another friend as well today. I’ve been so used to looking left and catching an awfully cheesy smile to make my day without fail. Now what’s left is just a giant blank monitor staring back at me.

I wish to the universe a lifetime of joy for you.

2007 has taught me: -

Never let even a single chance to feel happiness slip away when it shows up at your door, even though you’re certain that it won’t last. Even if you know it’s not yours to keep.

That it is easier to just accept the fact that somebody doesn’t want you back as much as you want him / her. That is (unconditional) love. Not everybody gets to experience it.

You may not get to physically own everything you wish for in life but nobody can stop you from feeling.

Yes, I do feel mad sometimes but I’ll keep counting my blessings as long as I can.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

2008. Bring it on.

Before that, I wish to the universe that this year, at least Christmas will be worth remembering.


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